A group of teachers from different schools in Europe visited the facilities of our Wind Farm.

The group, coming from countries such as France, Italy and Romania, is part of The Comenius Programme, a project promoted by the European Community which aims to help young people and educational staff better understand the range of European cultures, languages and values.

During the visit, teachers specialized in different educational areas, could learn important project such as the Accumulation of Wind Energy in Hydrogen or Demonstration Bioclimatic House and they visited the control room of Sotavento and the area of Energy Saving.

With over 22,000 visitants accumulated in 2009 and surpassing the 1,800 persons on average per month, we continue to become a benchmark in the field of dissemination of renewable energy in our community.

The most of the visits by appointment during the period 2009 were conducted by university and technical groups from different sectors interested in innovative research projects being undertaken in our Wind Farm. Families, individuals, tourists and the general public complete the rest of the visitants, who came from different parts of Spanish geography and even internationally.

Already are more than 140,000 visitants accumulated since we started activities in 2002 and 38% of formal education centers in Galicia visited our facilities on some occasion, converting to Sotavento in part of the academic program of many schools, colleges and universities throughout the course.

On the occasion of the celebration of the World Day of the Environment, the Foundation Sotavento Galicia presents a new guide destined to foment the saving and the efficiency in the use of the resources. The aim of this publication is that the readers are aware of the importance of changing their habits in order to achieve a model of sustainable development that allows the conservation of the planet.

Under the title “Abre a porta do aforro e a eficiencia enerxética”, the document was divided in three principal areas that affect in environmental basic aspects. The use and consumption responsible for the water, for the electricity and for the transport appears of schematic form and with realistic, practical and daily advices.

This guide, who will submit free to the people who visit the Experimental Wind Farm Sotavento, comes to reinforce and to improve the contents and equipments extend that the Foundation Sotavento Galicia destines to foment the saving and energetic efficiency among more than 20.000 annual visitors that it receives.

The formative activities, which carry out in the facilities of the Experimental Wind Farm Sotavento, centre on works on height by means of suspension with ropes and are destined for the repair, inspection and cleanliness of spades and towers.

The cleanliness of spades is a maintenance that must be realized from time to time to optimize the performance of the wind turbines. The innovation of these actions centres on the employment of equipments that allow the descent from the top of the towers instead of using derricks.

Given the situation of Galicia as for its wind potential, the actions directed to facilitate and optimize the maintenances of the wind turbines of more than 120 Galician wind farms, receive an enormous importance. Let’s remember that Galicia is a worldwide wind power counting with near 3,000 MW of installed power and with approximately 4,000 wind turbines.

Besides the educational and investigative activities, Sotavento also is a protagonist of this type of formative activities directed to the technical specialization and to the optimization of the utilization of the wind resource.

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