To such an effect, the manager of the Foundation, Jose Núñez and Lactalis, signed an agreement by which free tasting in Sotavento using ecological milk prepared with solar technology.

This activity will be started immediately and will spread throughout all the year round 2008.

According to the Foundation Terra, the solar kitchens “offer a real alternative to 1,000 millions of m3 of fuelwood that they are in use in the world for cooking, provoking climatic alterations due to the deforestation and the desertification of wide zones of the third world “.

In the musical unique experience celebrated in the facilities of Sotavento one year ago, they presented in novelty the musical pieces composed by Ignacio Sanz using the sounds of the wind turbines of the park. Recently, the musician has been rewarded by the Autonomous Government of Galicia with the third prize of musical excellence that implies the edition of the pieces on a disc that goes for title “Music do vento”.

Solar PST, a firm situated in A Coruña, has installed in Sotavento its thermodynamic solar panels. This new technology combines the principles of heat pump with solar energy in order to produce hot water.

The functioning, according to the firm, is created by the circulating of a fluid, able to extract the heat from the environment and transmit it to water by using solar radiation as well as air and rain temperature, according to the principles of the French physician Carnot.

A fluid enters the solar panels in a liquid form at -5/-15ºC. This fluid is a refrigerant. The panels capture solar radiation during sun hours, absorb the superior ambient temperature during the whole day and the one from rain when it rains. This variation of temperature makes the fluid gasify, being sent to a thermodynamic block.

At this point, the compressor of the block, by pressure, elevates the fluid’s temperature to 110/120ºC, which is transmitted to the water circuit by a temperature exchanger.

The equipment implemented in Sotavento shows, in a real way, the necessary installation for the consumption of hot water of a 5-person-family and is formed by an only panel of 8kg, connected to a 300 litre tank. It was installed at the end of June and can be visited and proved from Monday to Sunday, within the visit hours of the wind farm, which you can find in this website. This technology can also be used to heat houses and pools.

More information:

During the program for the implantation of work procedures that improve safety conditions of its staff, the aerogenerator producer Vestas Eólica S.A. has tested a nes crane-lorry supplied with the latest technology for jobs in heights.

This new kind of platforms allows the working in aerogenerators at a maximum height of 70 metres, improving considerably the safety of the different maintenance jobs that are necessary for a good working of the machines. Furthermore, due to their exclusive design for this type of performances, they facilitate the jobs and increase their working possibilities.

Vestas Eólica S.A. has chosen the Sotavento Experimental Windfarm as the perfect place to show the efficiency of this system because there are aerogenerators of different technologies and heights. The event, which took place on December 16th, was attended by producers as well as maintenance staff of the main firms of this sector in Galicia.

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