
Sotavento Galicia, S.A. was established in 1997and promoted by the Government of Galicia. This partnership created the Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm, a unique facility that, besides having common business objectives such as projects, should make additional efforts focused on three areas:

  • Investigation
  • Education-Information
  • Training


The company is owned by two public entities:

  • Galician Energy Institute (INEGA)
  • Institute for Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE),

and three private companies on behalf of the Galician electricity sector:

  • Enel Green Power Spain, S.L.
  • Iberdrola Renewables Galicia, S.A.
  • Energy of Galicia, S.A. (ENGASA)


  • Promote, design, construct, operate, develop, manage and administer installations using renewable energy as its primary energy source, and to conduct activities related to the functioning and operation of these facilities.
  • Promotion and implementation of projects, studies and other research and experimentation related to renewable energy and energy efficiency and saving.
  • Develop production technologies and energy efficiency through research and development.
  • Conduct R+D and implementation related to the field of renewable energy and energy conservation and efficiency, and support and encourage it in various ways, including through the provision of technological services.
  • The promotion, training, debate and discussion of all aspects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency and savings.
  • To ensure the greatest possible saturation of renewable energy into the energy system, by generating the tools and services necessary to solve technical problems and relationships between the various players in the system.
  • To promote, inform and encourage actions that link energy development with its interaction with the environment and sustainable development.
  • Any other action that involves an improvement in the optimization and implementation of renewable energy and to promote energy conservation and efficiency.
