For the sixth consecutive year Sotavento joins the celebration of the Global Wind Day, as every year takes place on June 15.
The Global Wind Day is a coordinated action between the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the Global Wind Energy Council and the national associations to introduce the public to the wind, revealing the power and possibilities of wind with the objective of decarbonising our energy and increase employment and growth in this sector.
It is a worldwide event in which according to the EWEA, this year involved a total of 29 countries across the world with various activities related to the wind.
To commemorate this day, Sotavento was visited by more than fifty people between 13 and 15 June visited the facilities of the Experimental Wind Farm of Sotavento. During these days the Leeward outreach activities focused on wind energy, bringing the audience to the different projects being carried out in their facilities to make better use of wind as an energy resource.
Some interesting facts:
Wind saves about 2.5 euros per month on electricity bills for domestic consumers and employs 20,000 people. In addition during 2014 it prevented the emission of 20.4 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. It also reduces our dependence on foreign energy being an indigenous source.
Last May, the wind has been the source that provided more electricity system covering 24.3% of demand from Spain (about 20 million homes). Annually, covering around 20% of demand.