A thousand and a half people came to our facilities during the month of April.

Among the visits, we highlight the participation of international groups from different countries such as Italy, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia, the United Kingdom and France.

On the other hand, we continue to be a benchmark in the field of education for different university studies. In this period, more than one hundred students of Social Education and Pedagogy participated.

In the section of collaborations, during this month we welcomed in our facilities the celebration of a day coorganized by the Agricultural Research Center of Mabegondo, the Galician society of pastures and forages and the Galician Institute of Food Quality.

Technical groups are already common among visitors to Sotavento, which during 2017 exceeded 30% of visits and since the beginning of the Educational-Divulgative Plan they exceed 37% of them.

Today, our facilities received almost a hundred people from different European countries such as Italy, Romania, Turkey, Macedonia and the United Kingdom. The members of the group, made up of teachers and students of different ages, were accompanied by a group of students and professors of the CPR Alca from Ames.

During the almost 3 hours of activities, the participants could learn about important projects such as Demonstrative Bioclimatic House and even visit the interior of a wind turbine.

Sotavento celebrates its sixteenth anniversary receiving in its facilities the visitor number 250.000.

It is 16 years since the current King of Spain, Philip VI, inaugurated the facilities of the Experimental Wind Farm of Sotavento. Since then, more than a quarter of a million people from different backgrounds, ages and groups have visited the facilities of the park participating in its activities.

A successful track record in raising awareness of renewable energies and energy efficiency, which is backed by the many national and international awards received over the last 16 years. Noting the recognition of UNESCO in 2014, which names Sotavento as a case of “Good Practices” and includes it in its publication of the 32 cases of outstanding successes and world-wide level. Only three places in Spain have this mention: Fuerteventura, the island of Hierro and Sotavento.

The firm commitment from the beginning for a flexible educational project, experimental and dynamic in the time, that 16 years later Sotavento continues being a reference in the energetic education.

The celebration of this anniversary coincides with the end of the academic year 2016/2017, during which Sotavento received in its facilities more than 9,417 people distributed in a total of 262 visits.
A course in which the visits made by students of secondary education and technical groups stand out, both collective represent more than 63% of the total visits.
Collectives coming mainly from the Autonomous Community of Galicia, although many students and researchers from all over the world are interested in the Sotavento project, coming to highlight it as unique in the world and creator of trends and vocations in the field of energy, since many of the students who once visited the facilities of the Experimental Wind Farm of Sotavento to date work in this sector.

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), launched in 2006 by the European Commission and organized by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (AESME) in close collaboration with the Directorate-General for Energy, has become the latest Years in one of the most important events in the world in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies.

It is an awareness campaign that aims to sensitize society in relation to energy saving and efficiency and to promote the energy transition among the population in the fight for the progress towards a new model of clean energy and a responsible energy consumption online With European objectives.

In its 12th edition, held from 19 to 25 June, EUSEW 2017 has been able to bring together public authorities, private companies, NGOs and consumers from all over the world who, over a week, have proposed and participated in different activities such as conferences , Round tables, visits to facilities, etc.

Once again and for the seventh consecutive year Sotavento has joined the celebration of the EUSEW 2017 organizing throughout the week different activities in which the more than one hundred people participated during those days that toured the park facilities.

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