The Galician Government has opted decisively for renewable energy, especially wind energy, by developing the Galician Wind Farm Plan.
Within this framework, the Ministry of Economy and Industry has promoted and developed the idea of not restricting the Galician Wind Farm Plan exclusively to the commercial sector, instead aiming to create a wind farm that was economically profitable in addition to pursuing innovative objectives in the fields of information, training and research.
From this project in 1997 emerged Sotavento Galicia, S.A., a company that put the Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm into operation in 2001.
In this company, promoted by the Galician Government and chaired by Energy Institute of Galicia (INEGA), two public entities make up 51% of the social capital: Galician Energy Institute (INEGA) and the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), and three private companies representing the electricity sector in Galicia: Enel Green Power Spain, S.L., Iberdrola, S.A. Galicia Energy, S.A. (ENGASA).
The objective of SOTAVENTO, according to its fundamental purpose, is to pursue the commercial exploitation of four objectives that would be difficult to be considered solely by private initiatives:
Showcase Wind Farm
This wind farm consists of 24 wind turbines from 5 different technologies and a total of 9 different machine models.
Framework for research and development activities
The Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm has been provided with the technical means and facilities that allow this type of action.