Conscious of the importance of an environmental education addressed to all groups and ages, Sotavento consolidates its educational proposal aimed at children’s education cycles.
Through an extensive program of practical activities and experiences tailored to these children between 3 and 6 years, we discover the importance of energy, the environmental problems derived and the enormous value of our habits of saving and efficiency.
There are almost no educational projects that affect aspects of energy education at these early ages. The lack of means and its difficulty are the arguments used to ignore some of the issues of greater importance for the human being of the SXXI: Energy.
Nevertheless, we consider that these ages are the ideal ones to establish preconceptions and to promote values that will determine the future adult behaviors.
For many years, many centers have been interested in this educational project. One of the most common is the Vilalba children’s school. This time, its students between 3 and 5 years could enjoy different practical activities such as transforming the energy of the sun into electrical energy through a photovoltaic plate, experiment with a hydraulic turbine, wind, etc. Even through the use of constructions, they hierarchized the energy balance of our country prioritizing renewable sources. Although it may seem complicated, their responses to complex problems are many times more sensible than many adults.